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Becky Smith

Becky graduated from the Colorado School of Mines with a BS in Chemistry. She then went into education and worked with students for 6 years. She has seen the changes in classrooms with the greater inclusion of technology and realized that these students would soon be reaching a different job market than they were expecting. She saw BeckyTech as an opportunity to bridge the gap and help smooth the transition for companies training new employees and monitoring their progress.

Joshua Smith

Joshua is a IT systems consultant who enjoys solving problems and helping people. His focus is in making sure that the technology is working so the learning can occur. He has extensive experience working a Help Desk and is happy to help troubleshoot any new LMS or server work.

Portfolio (Work Samples):

For each work sample, click on the picture to access the module.

This is an example of gamification for the purposes of practice or quizzing. There is an overall objective and questions are attached to each step of the process. Currently, these template questions are accessed randomly from specific question banks associated with each cloud. The more questions in a bank the less likely that the user will encounter the same questions repeatedly. If reporting to an LMS or CMS percentage score or completion rating can be obtained for each user. You can also choose how many tries the user gets at each question.
This is my version of “Connect 4”. It is a two player game and does not currently have a computer avatar.
This module is an introduction to the 5 types of chemical reactions and the process of balancing chemical equations.
After an explanation of both of these themes, the user would attempt to correctly label and balance 9 equations for practice.
In this module, children can practice their reading skills and play games with content from the story. Click on the picture to see a demo. All images and story text come from “The Cat in the Hat” and are copyrighted.
This module is the digital version of a assessment found in “Small Church on a Big Mission” By Jeff Allen. A more complete version of this assessment can be found on his website www.smallchurchbigmission.org
Modified from a Jeopardy PowerPoint template, this module can now keep track of scores for different players/tables. This module was used as a tool to review material in a 6th grade classroom.